We are in full swing for 2023! We have just received the National Wedding Survey asking over 2,400 couples who got married in 2022 all about their wedding – from when they got engaged right through to how much they spent and how many vendors they hired. By only surveying couples who actually married in 2022, we can build an accurate picture of the average UK wedding.
The Couples
December was the most popular month to get engaged in 2022
24 Months was the average length of engagement
24-34 Nearly 3/4 of couples were aged 25-34 years old
26% of couples met through an online dating app
18% of couples met at work
15% of couples met through friends in common
Engagement Month Distribution
JAN 5%
FEB 7%
MAR 6%
APR 5%
MAY 6%
JUN 6%
JUL 8%
AUG 11%
SEP 10%
OCT 9%
NOV 8%
DEC 18%
The Cost
47% of couples went over-budget
70% of couples said their budget wasn’t impacted by the economy
17% of those who were impacted by the economy increased their budget at least once
10% of those who were impacted by the economy cut their guest list to save costs
£18,400 was the average cost of a wedding in 2022 (excluding the honeymoon and ring) an £1,100 increase from £17,300 in 2021
63% were gifted money from friends/family to cover costs
59% used savings to pay for their wedding

You can view the full Wedding Survey here